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Map | No Place Like Travel
Tag Archives: Map
Friday, 1 July 2016

Color Splash

A lovely day off to spend with Little Boy O and our new Nanny T. Almost a year back at work and over the last three weeks we’ve learned a few important lessons. Firstly, no matter what when we pull together as a family we will get through it. A big thanks to Mah Mah for uprooting herself to come play with this little pickle. Secondly, always get an ‘in case of emergency’ number. Thirdly, remember and have faith that everything is always working out for us. 


Toddler with roo bag on back

Off to KV with favorite roo bag


Toddler playing at red water table

Water table fun


Toddler painting on blue wall

The don’t call it Color Splash for nothing


Toddler with color sponge

So proud of himself


Toddler at playground with nanny

More splish splash fun whilst mummy and Mah Mah get a mani pedi


Toddler with nanny in hallway

Hallway soccer on a rainy day


Alphabet on carpet

Spelling bee fun






Tuesday, 5 January 2016

I Choose To

I was mindful of the subtle but important difference between “I have to” and “I choose to”. The former forfeits the right to choose and the latter exercises the power of choice. Reminded of the discipline of Essentialism by a dear colleague, I focused on making choices, which meant defining what trade offs I’d be happy with. It wasn’t easy. Having to remind myself that I can choose to respond to another email, or choose to get up and stretch. If I responded to the email, I would also be choosing a stiff back. If I got up to walk and stretch, I would be choosing to finish later. I chose my body and my health. That email can wait. 

The result was today was more positive that yesterday. I felt less of a victim of calendar circumstance and more empowered to say yes or no to things. I did recognize that it is easy to slip back into the “I have to” mode. I have to submit my 83(b) form, I have to sanitize this document to share and so on. Equally it was also easy to make choices that made me happy. I choose to play flash cards with Baby Boy O. I choose to break for dinner with English Hubby. It wasn’t perfect, but reminding myself that I have the power of free will and choice is refreshing. 


Baby walking down hallway

Morning walk


Baby playing with music station

My Bonnie lies over the ocean


Christmas card for baby

Little mementos


Baby at gate

First day back blues


Street at night

Finishing later because I chose to take a stretch break



Choosing a game of flashcards


Sunday, 3 January 2016

The New Normal

Our neighbor came round tonight to use our spin cycle, have a glass of wine and chat. The New Normal was a phrase she heard at a yoga class. The notion that someone jogging 40 years ago would make people wonder who they were running from, yet today we don’t even bat an eyelid. It seems we have slid into a new normal. Early mornings, picking up food thrown on the floor, tidying up toys strewn all over the living room, out for a walk before a meltdown occurs, playgrounds, groceries, errands, admin, cook, eat, sleep, rinse and repeat.

It all seems monotonous when it is written down or said out loud, but here is a beautiful simplicity in what my life has become. I like the predictability. I like knowing where I am and what comes next. I like the freedom it gives me to enjoy the moment as it is. Soaking up every ray of sunshine as it bounces off Baby Boy O’s gleaming smile. Enjoying time on the couch with English Hubby. Simple. Normal.


Baby eating squeeze pack

What an amazing 90 weeks!


Baby drawing monkey with crayons

Drawing his beloved monkey


Window sill

A moment of quiet


Baby in orange puffer jacket at park

Play time at the playground


Baby at playground

Big world for a little boy


Thank you letters

So many presents, so many thank yous


Friday, 27 November 2015

Important Lessons

You know when you get that sixth sense that something is going to happen, but you ignore it in the hopes that you can just push it away? Well, it happened. On the drive from Sedona to Phoenix, Baby Boy O was playing with my iPhone. On the 10th failed password attempt my phone self destructed and erased everything. Everything. Every photo. Every contact. Every byte of data.

A sensible person would have backed up their iPhone, but the photo upload to Dropbox hadn't caught up yet so there are chunks of precious vacation hiking moments that were captured then lost, except for my feeble memory. I felt that sinking feeling when you know you've lost something and no amount of anger, sadness or regret will every bring it back. Inevitable. That was how it felt. Finite and unrecoverable.

As the shock subsided I came to accept what I cannot change, and to be thankful for the important lesson my dear son gave me – a reminder that nothing is permanent, and being in the moment is what counts, not the photos, souvenirs and keepsakes we accumulate. The photos may have been deleted, but that experience is always a part of me and for that and so many other things I am truly thankful.



Sunday, 20 September 2015

Daily Pics: Sunday Roast

Spoilt rotten today with beautiful weather and a delicious day with the family. English Hubby was is sports heaven – tennis, Grand Prix and rugby. Baby Boy O was in food heaven, hoovering up Sunday lamb roast and walking for food. I was in a happy place too, surrounded by all my very favorite people, soaking it up before having to leave for a week.


Little minion is addicted to bananas


And anything that daddy eats!


Autumn is nigh


Reading with Mah Mah


Picking up all the goodies


Climbing into daddy's chair


Sunday roast lamb with mint sauce


Finishing before we even start


My plate


Baby Boy O's plate


So hungry he's eating the spoon


Showing off his cooking skills




On return from Henley


Home for the next four nights


Saturday, 19 September 2015

Daily Pics: Hello England

Given the little one was so very tired and so very thrown off schedule, he was a good as could be expected on the flight. Lady Luck was on our side. We moved from bulkhead seats to a three seater row, long enough for Baby Boy O to stretch across and catch some shut eye. Mummy on the other hand dozed fitfully, worried her little dumpling would roll off the seat and onto the floor. Note to self: need to buy another seat for upcoming trip to Australia!

Our little traveler adjusted beautifully. Nothing like sunshine and a walk to the playground to reset the circadian rhythm. He was having fun with Mah Mah and Yah Yah who broke out all the old toys to his delight. I get the sense that someone is going to get spoilt rotten over the next week. Grandparent's prerogative!


Safety is his first priority


Plane plane


Hello England


Hello Yah Yah!


Recycle...daddy's toys


Playing with Yah Yah


Off to the playground


Monkey has seen better days


Leaf with a view


Daddy's playground




Friday, 18 September 2015

Daily Pics: Grandparent’s Day

A year ago we were off to Vancouver to see Gong Gong and Poh Poh for the very first time. Today we make the journey in the opposite direction to London to see Mah Mah and Yah Yah. We thought we had travel arrangements licked with a cunning plan to travel at 5pm, reaching the airport and getting through security by 6.30pm at which time Baby Boy O would sweetly fall asleep allowing us to have a bite to eat before we boarded our aircraft for a 9.30pm departure. The reality was hitting rush hour traffic, getting stuck in the security lines without a family fast lane, then having our flight delayed until 12.30am. The annoying combination of bright fluorescent lights, constant announcements over the speakers and an over tired toddler was a lesson in patience and gratitude. English Hubby kindly reminded us that our slightly diverted travel plans is nothing compared to what the Syrian refugees are going through right now. Keeping it all in perspective.

Baby boy o eating Chinese food

Getting his fill of cheap Chinese


Family selfie

The three of us


Baby boy o in new car seat

Big boy car seat


Baby boy o holding on to pole

Pole dancer


Baby boy o pushing trolley with luggage

Pushing with all his might


Baby boy o pushing luggage

Giving daddy a hand


Baby boy o sleeping on daddy

Sleep attempt #5


Swaddled over dads head

Sleep attempt #9


Sunday, 19 July 2015

Daily Pics: Play Date Crush

A scorching Sunday. Perfect for an early morning play date and splash at the local playground. Baby Boy O met up with his usual crew, along with Miss M and Master Z. I brought coffee, cake and a bubble machine. Everyone was amply entertained. Baby Boy O and Miss M have a mutual adoration pact in full swing – a bonafide play date crush. A welcome day before the weight of work returns tomorrow. A half day, toe dip back into the shark tank. To bed early we go.


Quick to anger advertisement

Perfect breeding ground for this clinical study

Water play

Loves the water

Baby boy o with miss m

Loves Miss M too


Grey dress

Back to school


Monday, 6 July 2015

Daily Pics: IKEA Torture

They say one person's heaven is another's hell. I love assembling furniture, playing with power tools and McGyvering a fix. So today was four hours well spent, resulting in a six-dresser drawer. English Hubby however prefers white collar labor, his tools of trade include a keyboard and mouse. His only consolation is that the flat pack didn't contain a gazillion pieces and take eight hours to assemble like our last foray with a desk. You can see who has the callouses in this family!


IKEA furniture

Laying it all out


IKEA furniture

Strutting our stuff


English hubby with IKEA furniture

Man at work


English hubby with IKEA furniture

Earning his keep


Trapped in a corner

No way out


English hubby with power tool

Power (tool) has gone to his head



Sunday, 5 July 2015

Daily Pics: Playground Sunday

Baby Boy O has a fascination with roadwork, fueled by his favorite book and the abundance of construction in our neighborhood. Which is why I couldn't resist adding a digger, dump truck and bulldozer to his already abundant collection of toys. Falling head first into the modern day parenting trap. Too. Much. Stuff.


Cat trucks

A boy and his toys


Learning to share



Baby boy o eating

And he's eating...again

Man and clock

What's the time?...


...Hammer time



Sunday, 5 July 2015

Daily Pics: Playground Sunday

Baby Boy O has a fascination with roadwork, fueled by his favorite book and the abundance of construction in our neighborhood. Which is why I couldn't resist adding a digger, dump truck and bulldozer to his already abundant collection of toys. Falling head first into the modern day parenting trap. Too. Much. Stuff.


Cat trucks

A boy and his toys


Learning to share


Baby boy o eating

And he's eating...again

Man and clock

What's the time?...


...Hammer time



Saturday, 4 July 2015

Daily Pics: May The Fourth Be With You, English Hubby

It's English Hubby's birthday today. Fireworks have been arranged and everyone gets the day off to celebrate. Birthdays are special. What comes to mind is Sheryl Sandberg's beautiful and tearfully honest Facebook post:

“I have learned gratitude. Real gratitude for the things I took for granted before – like life. As heartbroken as I am, I look at my children each day and rejoice that they are alive. I appreciate every smile, every hug. I no longer take each day for granted. When a friend told me that he hates birthdays and so he was not celebrating his, I looked at him and said through tears, “Celebrate your birthday, goddammit. You are lucky to have each one.””

We spent the day together, really together. Family snuggles, cards and presents in bed, a walk to our new neighborhood breakfast place, an aborted trip to the Intrepid Museum and the High Line, naps at home, cream frosted carrot cake, fried chicken, giggles, cuddles, kisses and more. A befitting way to celebrate the birthday of the most amazing man I have ever met.


Birthday cards

My H.H.


Baby giving card to dad

Who's your daddy?!



Lots of thoughtful presents


Baby cuddling daddy

Birthday cuddles - not sure who's enjoying them more!


Baby playing with spoons

Experimenting with spoons


Birthday cake

Someone's eyeing the cake


Connect the dots

It's all about the journey


Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Daily Pics: Screaming Blue Murder

I always knew this day would come. The day where I have to fight every instinct and bone in my body in order to leave my hysterical little boy at play school. Baby Boy O cried blue murder. It wasn't an “I'm upset where did you go” cry. It was a “you've abandoned me, I'm all alone and so very scared in this strange place” shriek. They type you yourself would bellow out if you woke and found yourself strapped to a bed in a mental asylum.

I left the room, then hid around the corner, heart breaking as his cries grew wilder and out of control. I waited, then left, then came back again to ask Director K to check on him for me. She checked, he cried. I womaned-up and left the building. Then called back an hour later, then an hour after that. Yes, I'm now that pain in the butt over-concerned over-protective parent.

The good news is that Baby Boy O eventually calmed down…four hours later, which apparently isn't unusual, but feels rather cruel. We picked him up and he was unnaturally quiet for the first 45 minutes. Not sure if it was the post traumatic effect or him giving us the silent treatment, perhaps a mix of both? Gathering strength now for round #2 tomorrow. Have mercy.



Journaling like mummy


Snack packs

Preparing for a hungry boy at school


Director K checking in

Director K checking in on him, whilst mummy hides around the corner


Spying on baby boy o

Spy cam shot from the window yonder


Corner cafe

Staying close at the corner cafe



He says ball

Play mat

Playing in between a few sobs


At the playground with daddy

So much happier to be with dad and to see mummy

Brushing teeth

Bed time after a very long day


Caribbean dinner

Best part of the day thanks to Nanny C!


Saturday, 6 June 2015

Daily Pics: Standing His Ground

It is so very interesting to watch a personality emerge from its little shell. This tiny person has likes and dislikes, preferences, favorites, attachments and frustrations. We had a curry lunch and a play date with Little Boy E where strawberries and toys were shared. Little Boy E has the advantage of walking so could move much more independently and ran circles around our cheeky little guy. But at the playground when his territory came under challenge, Baby Boy O stood his ground and issued a stern outstretched hand warning. When encroachment continued he dished out a strong little shove, not once but twice. Not mean, but fearless. My little man stood his ground. His space was his, and within it he was reading his book. English Hubby thinks he was protecting his mummy who was sitting on the other side of the altercation, but I think it was more his favorite Roadwork Construction book.


Red rolling ball

Uncontrollable giggles


Two dads

Daddies meet for a curry

Baby Boy O with rice all over face

Showing Little Boy E how it's done


Two babies with car

Learning how to share...sort of


Two boys with car toys

Enough to go around


Lost monkey

Impostor monkey, as another one bites the dust


Baby boy o eating large plate of pasta

Working up an appetite after the altercation


Baby boy o having eaten his pasta

Needs his carbs to grow big and strong


Friday, 29 May 2015

Daily Pics: Library Citizen of the World

We were in the jewelers and a perfect stranger cooed at Baby Boy O and offered the following piece of advice – the days are long, but the years are short. So very true. It feels like only yesterday that we came home with a tiny little baby, yet each day we plunder through milestones big and small. Today Baby Boy O got his own library card. A bonafide citizen of the NYPL. We also visited the Secret Garden in Central Park, ran errands, went to the grocery store, practiced walking, read books, made food to freeze, did work, prepped for play school and so much more. Long days, short years.


Walker in hallway

Beep beep, coming through. Watch out!


Grumpy holding sunglasses

Pre-nap grumps


Streets of Spanish Harlem

Streets of Spanish Harlem


Meditation spot

A spot of mediation


Conservatory gardens

Ahhh...Central Park


Pink blooming flowers

In bloom


Nypl card

Card carrying public library citizen


Baby shoes

On sale!


Cheesy dinner

Cheesy dinner


Eating mac and cheese

Yummy in his tummy


Mac and cheese

More for us, thanks Nanny C!


Shoe box

Long days, short years, fond memories


Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Daily Pics: Contain Yourself

There's something about The Container Store that just sucks you in. Boxes, gadgets, hangers, storage, things to hide wires, drawers, hooks, shoe racks and so much more. What they sell is promise, an ideal that life can be organized and contained into neat foldable interlocking perfect squares. So much temptation lies there, especially when our home right now is a mess. It took willpower to exercise contraint and not buy a shortcut to organization nirvana.


Week 58

Another week under his belt


Messy diaper station

Cheeky little monster


Big smooch for mummy

Making up for it with a big smooch for mummy


Funny boy

Funny for Nanny C


Container store shopping

Just the essentials


Play school stuff

Adding to Baby Boy O's play school box


Walker in pieces

Where's Mah Mah when we need her help to put it together again?!



Thank you Mah Mah ang Yah Yah


Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Daily Pics: Exhale

The price of lifting baby and boxes has caught up with me again. Even Superwoman needs a good massage every once in a while. Baby Boy O went with Nanny C to hand in his enrollment forms. My little boy is going to play school.


Roadwork book

New favorite book


Stroller with monkey

My little big baby boy. Off on a long walk with Nanny C


Madison Avenue

Could get use to being an UES mummy


Banana peanut butter muffins

Baking banana peanut butter no sugar muffins


Clean floor

So grateful to have Nanny C


FedEx redelivery notice

FedEx, you slay me


Yah yah, pa and me

Three generations. Happy birthday dad


Oven roasted steak dinner

Dinner for one and a half


Sunday, 24 May 2015

Daily Pics: First Pair of Shoes

Off to get a pair of big boy shoes. Thankfully Aunt S knows where to go. We walked away with a pair of very cool shoes, size 2.5 and orange bits too. Daddy will be pleased. A perfect day in the park. So New York to picnic by the Met, soak up the Sunday sun and make a friend for play dates.


Peekaboo hallway

Peekaboo hallway


Colored containers in dishwasher

Whole new world


Baby boy o looking up through stroller

Room with a beautiful view


Measuring up feet

Teeny tiny feet


Trying on new shoes



Big boy shoes

First pair of big boy shoes


Central Park near met

Fell in love with NYC so many years ago, looking out

Baby boy o sitting on grass

Who would have though this would be?


Grass and toes

Grass between his toes

Picnic with Aunt S

Aunt S, so very knowledgeable


Baby E at Central Park

Hey buddy! Sharing a ball and bananas


Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Daily Pics: And Pick You Up Again

Lady Luck is on our side. I was sitting at the bank just about to cancel cards and switch over to new bank accounts when I received the call from Delta Baggage Services. They had found my carry on bag. New York City was testing what we were made of – kicking us in the teeth yesterday afternoon and picking us back up again today.


After a cab ride out to Terminal 4, a big hug to Vicky, Mimi, Lee and the Delta team, our stuff is back in our possession. Passports x3. Check books. Birth certificate. Laptop x2. Ipad. Phone. House keys. RV keys. Money and more. Although this stuff has a big impact on our lives, we came to realize that this stuff isn't our lives. We were all still ok. Passports and everything else can be replaced, yes, undoubtedly a major inconvienience, but not a tragedy. Thanks to all the people (including customer service Cindy) at Delta.



Monday, 11 May 2015

Daily Pics: Rough Landing

Welcome back to NYC. We arrived after a good flight, all intact, with everything, minus one very important carry on laptop bag. In the flurry of disembarking we left it in the overhead compartment. If it were any other item missing, it wouldn’t be as big a deal, but this one contained all our very important documents. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. Passports, birth certificates, house keys, check books, laptops (yes, plural) the whole enchilada.

After two hours pleading with Delta baggage services, we left the airport empty handed and crestfallen. The bag is lost, possibly stolen. The missing stroller made it to the baggage pick up area, but the carry on didn’t. What next? It’s out of the jurisdiction of the 13th precint police. We have to return to JFK and file a report with the Port Authority police. The additional catch being that to file a report we we need to inform our respective embassies of our lost passports, but to do so requires us to file a report. Go figure. My head is about to explode. New York City has a way of kicking you in the teeth, just when you think you may have landed on your feet. At the end of the day it is a major inconvienience, but we are still happy and healthy, and we have the resources (and perhaps the strength after a good nights sleep) to deal with this dilemma. Upside is that Squee and Fatty Patty are with us.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Daily Pics: Just A Typical RV Day

Two more days to go before we leave Rover. It occurs to me that our RV has been the only real home Baby Boy O has known. Our 200 square foot tiny house on wheels. He's spent more time in Rover than anywhere else, other than my womb. Our nomadic rhythm is normal to him. Packing, moving, shopping, unpacking, swimming, is just another typical day. Boy, that's all going to change very soon!


Baby boy o with sunglasses

Little goofball


Stripping the bed

Stripping the bed


Baby boy o in laundry basket

Good wash needed


Walk around adventure bound

Morning nap walk


Thai lunch

Good ratings, disappointing Thai for lunch


Baby boy o smiling at balloon

That smile. Magic!


English hubby throwing watermelon into the air

Watermelon giggles


Feet on dash

Putting my feet up


Short nap

Didn't last long


Baby boy o with monkey

Monkeying around


Ball in swimming pool

Going nuts



Little vampire. Ouch!





Cooking vegan dinner



Friday, 1 May 2015

Daily Pics: Plane Plane

English Hubby is a plane buff. He spent his teenage years memorizing obscure facts about planes and all that pent up knowledge came flooding out. I was well impressed by his encyclopedic labeling of planes as we toured Davis AFB. Baby Boy O hasn't fallen far from the tree. He has an eagle eye for plane spotting. Two pigs in mud.


Baby boy o looking with big eyes

Hey, you looking at me?!


English hubby and baby boy o on the bus

Security check to get on the bus


Tour guide

English hubby's future volunteer role


Baby boy o looking at planes

Planes big and small


Sealed airplane

Sealed to keep out the desert dust and critters


Looking at planes



Attack helicopters

A for attack


Spare parts

Spare parts earning $10 on the dollar


Air command

Air command during the Cold War

Baby boy o asleep with mummy

Too much excitement

Planes cut up

Cut up so the soviet satellites can see


Galaxy carrier

You can pack heavy on this flight


Yellow Sea plane

Shiny planes


Baby boy o and English hubby

Pigs in mud


Red plane

Big red


Excited boy

So excited he doesn't know where to look!


Baby boy o in cockpit

Can't quite reach


Air traffic control

Cleared for landing


Baby boy o with wooden steering wheel

Pilot training for babies


Fiddly toy

So many fiddly bits


Baby boy o piloting a plane

Taking mummy for a ride


Chin ups

Top Gun training


English hubby eating chilli dog

Top Dog training


Helicopter on fork lift

So this is how you move a helicopter


Looking out at planes

Boys off to see the planes, enjoying a quiet moment


Green helicopter

Camo green


Baby boy o at rear of helicopter

Unafraid of danger


Baby boy o facing off to face

Staring it in the face


Entry to air and space museum

Air and Space Museum rocked!


Voted best in the nation sign

High expectations


Swimming pool at voyager resort

Not bad, but Monte Vista gets my vote


Indoor pool

Swimmy swimmy time


English hubby opening beer

Beer o'clock


Simple dinner

Real simple dinner



Basking in its glow


English hubby at table

Dinner date


Full moon

Vesak full moon



Thursday, 30 April 2015

Daily Pics: Time

We received some news today. The type of news where from that moment onward everything changes, yet everything is as it is and still stays the same. Life plays on. Sadness descends, only to the kept at bay by remembering how fortune has smiled on all of us and still continues to do so. How lucky we have been to have time and to have spent it wisely, without regret. For it is the only currency that cannot be earned back, traded or bought.


Skype with Sevenoaks

News no one wants to hear


Baby boy o and monkey

Bonding with monkey


Undercover RV storage

A place out of the sun


RV storage

Rover's temporary home


In and out burger joint

Old time burgers


In and out burger and fries

English Hubby's favorite


Seal coming off RV

Coming apart in more ways than one


English hubby fixing seal

Some things can be fixed


Smiling baby boy o

Moments like this add up to a life well lived


Dinner outside

Dinner Al fresco


Skype with mum

So far, yet so close


Us together

So much to be grateful for


Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Daily Pics: Not a Day Over 55

Arizona is a snowbird retirement mecca, and finding an RV park that caters to the under 55 crowd is as easy as putting an octopus in a string bag (as Reader likes to say). Lucky for us, English Hubby has lovely salt and pepper colored hair, and many places tend to take a don't ask, don't tell approach, so we haven't yet been carded or denied. According to Jim, these RV resorts get quite wild in the Winter. Good to know we have something to look forward to!


Rice pot

What's cooking?!

Indian curry

Loving last night's leftovers


Laundry in stroller

Babe doing laundry


Washing up

More washing up


Baby boy o and box

Playing outside the box


Chicken thighs

Meal prep, thank you Real Simple!


Park models

Trailer trash or park models


Palm tree

Palm tree street


Golf carts

Rush hour at the activity center



Two sessions!


Resort living

Resort living


Swimming pool at monte vista

Not bad at all



Kitchen drumming


Baby boy O with green bowl on head

Funny boy!


Biting dog

Not quite getting the concept of giving Spot a kiss


Site 1423

Farewell 1423


Safeway trolley

Going for a spin around Safeway



Cruising with a melon


Casa grande

Casa Grand not Grande


Baby boy o smiling

Post office smiles


USPS boxes

Picking up a few more boxes

Pool instructions

We're definitely hanging with the over 55 crowd



Been spoilt at Monte Vista



Baby Narcissus smacked his head trying to touch his reflection



Nothing like an afternoon bubble blowing session


Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Daily Pics: New York Frame of Mind

Less than two weeks now before we are back in New York City. In some ways it is exciting to be heading back to the big smoke, the land of take out and delivery, the city of convienience and cabs. That being said, I will miss leisurely strolls through the wide aisles of Safeway and not having to battle constantly for personal space. We've started putting our city lives back together. Organizing movers, renovations, toddler classes, nanny interviews from afar.


English hubby on phone

Organizing new windows and window guards


Baby boy o pulling to standing

Trying to pull himself to standing. Not quite there yet


Drinking from a glass

Thirsty business


Nanny posting

Nanny search continues


Bunny on the lawn

Bunny magic


Indian dinner

Not quite Brick Lane but a surprise for English Hubby nonetheless


Monday, 27 April 2015

Daily Pics: Monte Vista

I've grown quite fond of Monte Vista Resort and our little routine here. Baby Boy O and I go for our morning walk to Safeway. He falls asleep, I grab a freshly made green tea and peach drink at Starbucks, with an Asiago and jalapeño bagel, and I work on my book. We pick up lunch, head back to meet with English Hubby who would have finished his morning calls. We get what we can done with the little one in tow, trying to slide in a meditation session or gym workout, and then four o'clock swimmy swimmy time rolls around. We splash, we download, we head back and bathe the boy who is worn and ready for bed. Over the last week and a half we've fallen into a nice rhythm. Enjoying it whilst it lasts.


Baby boy o walking with toy

Morning activity, a stroll around the RV


Walk past tennis courts

Going for a walk


Safeway starbucks

I'll have the usual

Working at Starbucks

Work station


Snack at Starbucks

After nap snack


Baby boy o with Mesa locals

Chatting with the locals


Fork in the road

Fork in the road



Hummingbird song


Pool at monte vista

Missing this already


Baby boy o with Starbucks cup

The American side of him. Will have to show him what good coffee really is!



RV delivery


Napping with daddy

Afternoon nap with daddy


Mum and baby swimming

Swimmy swimmy time


Cuddles in the pool

Splashy splashy

Kisses in the pool

Kissy Kissy


Baby boy o dinner by the pool

Dinner by the pool


RV cover in box

Packing up is starting to feel real now



Sunday, 26 April 2015

Daily Pics: Bite of Arizona

The notion of a lazy Sunday morning escapes us. Baby Boy O was awake at the crack of dawn. The up side is that we are able to pack a whole bunch into a day. Off to the mall to pick up a few new items and then to the food truck festival. Not quite New York standards, but the upside is that we didn't have to line up for hours. Indulged in fish tacos, chickpea ciabatta and even an Indian fried bread, of the North American not subcontinent variety.


Baby boy o unwinding hatch

Adding more tricks to his kit bag


Flyovers in Arizona

Taking you anywhere and everywhere

Arizona mall

Mall rats

Clouds and mountains

Heading to rawhide for lunch


Bite of Arizona

Bite of Arizona food truck festival


Indian fried bread

A different type of roti


Hot tamale

Eyeing the hot tamale

Fish tacos

Delicious fish tacos

Food truck crowd

Not quite the New York food truck scene


Monte vista entry sign

Arriving back home





Monte vista gym

Family work out

Baby boy o reading

Some heavy reading


Reading spot book

Riveting plot line


Saturday, 25 April 2015

Daily Pics: A Mighty Big Thump

Huffington Post published “10 More Realistic Milestones For Your Baby Book” and we just ticked off number one (again) today. Baby Boy O was sleeping soundly in the middle of the bed. Thirty minutes later we heard an almighty thump and a fractionally delayed wail. My heart truly stopped for a second. Running back into the RV not knowing if my little boy is okay. The thought of him hurt weighs so heavy. I cannot even imagine the pain of families in Nepal who have lost their dear ones. How precious our human lives are.

Opening the hatch

Learning something new


Baby boy o breakfast sunshine

Our little ray of sunshine


Large flat rate box

Starting to think about packing...the end of the road trip is nigh


Baby boy o sleeping

Sleeping beauty


Shoes flung

An almighty thud, shoes flung off as I run into the RV


Family hug

Ok after cuddles and tickles

Baby boy o practicing his walking

Back to normal, diligently practicing his walking


Cheeky little smiler

Back to his cheeky self


English hubby with ipad

Off to lunch, but someone is addicted to bandwidth


Using free wifi

Things we do for free wifi


Disgusting pizza

Regretful pizza lunch. Never again, Peter Piper Pizza. What were we thinking?!


Baby boy onetime watermelon

Delicious watermelon


Gym workout at monte vista resort

Sneaking in a gym work out


Laundry day

In between loads of laundry


Scrawl look

His WTF face


Kale dinner

Much needed healthy dinner


Friday, 24 April 2015

Daily Pics: A Good, Good Day

Today has been a good day. Rain clouds came, gave a light sprinkle to wash away the dust, and things are a little clearer now. Our little threesome has found its groove and in this moment it feels good. Our nanny interviewing came to a close and we have three strong, yet very different candidates. Our neighbor, Psych Adam, wrote an article with five tips to handle transitions. We are doing all of them to varying degrees – mindfully anticipating what we may feel when the transition occurs, and anticipate how we feel. Check. Ask for help. Check, check. Keep a routine, sort of check. Know where you are going and keep things in perspective, barely check. Go easy on yourself, must remember to check. Things are a changing, and it has been a good good day.


Baby boy o tearing tissue in bed

Tearing it up


Baby boy o in stroller at Mesa resort

Morning nap walk


Rain clouds

Threatening clouds. Nice to have a bit of rain to clear away the dust


Safeway grocery

Our usual Starbucks writing table and Safeway stop

Picnic in front of RV

Concrete picnic


English hubby giving baby boy o some lunch

Lunching away


Baby and dad plane spotting

Plane spotting


Comparing watermelons

Who is bigger?

Naked bib look

Setting a new trend in baby ware

Bunny under the RV

Back from a quick Fitstar workout. Eye spy with my little eye something beginning with B


Boys reading

Big brains at work


Laptop with nanny interview

Interviews continue, last one done


Nanny list

Shortlisted from over 140 applicants

English hubby holding baby boy o in the pool

4 o'clock swim time again


Thursday, 23 April 2015

Daily Pics: Full Time Mummy

It is a tough job being a full time mummy. Baby Boy O is going through a barnacle phase, where he is stuck to me like glue. Half a foot away is a little to distant. Poh Poh says its a sign of how much he loves us and how deep that attachment is. We are searching for a nanny and all I can hope for is an angel sent down from the heavens to help us look after our little one. He/she will have to have the patience of a saint. Funny thing is we've not had one male applicant. Where are all the real men? Scared to step up to the plate?!


Superhero baby

What's your superpower?!



Finger eating

Eating with his fingers


Fork eating

Mastering a fork


Exploring cupboards

Exploring every nook and cranny


Button pusher

Pressing all the buttons


Pushing his walker

Watch out! Here he comes!


Baby bundle

My little bundle


Mummy's angel

Sweet little angel


Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Daily Pics: Stand And Be Counted

All Baby Boy O wants to do is be on his feet. Holding his walker toy, lapping the coffee table clockwise then anti clockwise. It's fascinating watching his skills progress and the lightbulb go on in his head as he connects the dots. Makes me realize how much we take for granted as the synapses preprogrammed over the years fire on autopilot. Imagine having to relearn all of that again? We are no match for a baby.


Light switch

Mastered the light switch!


Mah mah holding baby boy o as he walks

Speedy Gonzales


Happy feet

So happy to be on two feet


Grabbing newspapers

Nothing is safe


Backyard pool

Breaking Bad backyard


Baby boy o with backward cap

Yo Yo Baby Boy O in da house!


Touching pink flower

Pincer fingers strike again


English hubby pool boy

Pool boy


Swim time not so keen

Not as keen today


Baby burrito

Baby burrito


Carrot and prune muffins

Healthy birthday carrot and prune muffins


Monday, 13 April 2015

Daily Pics: Tax Time is So Taxing

Every year it is the same mayhem. Receipts lost, statements missing, manual data entry and books aren't the only things to be unbalanced. Why in the age of Quicken, expense tracking apps and downloadable data are we still in this pickle? Because English Hubby is old school. I'm surprised the quill and ink has been retired. I've managed to extract a promise that next year shall be more straight through processing. The efficiency consultant in me is pleased with that acknowledgement. The cynic in me will wait 365 days to see.


Awake early and walking

Mr Early Riser


Morning walk with mah mah

Off for a walk with Mah Mah


Apple snack time

Snack time


Baby boy o with food all over face

Lunch time


Tax time work

Tax time


Toy cars in boxes

Car smash up


Baby boy o and deadly swimming

Highlight of the day


Elvis impersonator

Smallest Elvis impersonator ever


Ice cream truck



Walking around the coffee table

I want to play, not sleep!


Sunday, 12 April 2015

Daily Pics: Cooling Off

We took Mah Mah to see all the unique sights that Arizona had to offer. Museums, art galleries and the outdoors are so overrated. Instead we visited In and Out Burger, UHaul RV Storage and a supermarket on the way back to Scottsdale. Crying baby most of the way, and temperatures rising high. Thankful for Mah Mah's great idea to go for a swim to cool off.


Mah mah and baby boy o in bed

Snuggling up in bed


Space cadet

Cry baby space cadet



Visiting all the glamorous places


In and out

Panda Express or In and Out?


RV storage

Sussing out some storage for rover


Mah mah and baby boy I

Cooling off in the pool


English hubby and baby boy o in Scottsdale pool

Much needed giggles


Saturday, 11 April 2015

Daily Pics: Rock Art

English Hubby met someone who had a theory that ancient rock art may not have the awe inspiring meaning we sometimes attribute to it. Rather, it may just be as simple as a few bored kids told to go outside of the cave to play, having a bit of fun graffiting the neighborhood, leaving tags all over the place! I think regardless of the reasons why people choose to draw and write, there is something endearing about putting your thoughts out there and creating something to last. It is a way of transporting ideas through time and space. Whether it be ancient rock art or more modern forms of expression like blogging, storytelling ignites the imagination and connects people together.


Baby boy o with plastic container

Cheeky little guy


Family selfie

Hiding from the sun


Talking to national parks guide

Learning more about the desert


English hubby protecting private parts

Trying to protect private parts from a very excited little boy


Getting lift from park ranger

Getting a lift back from the ranger


Going on a hike

Off for a short hike


Prickly pear flowers

Blooming beautiful


Petroglyphs and fighter jet

Ancient and modern. Petroglyphs and fighter jets


English hubby on stairs.

Trying to cover up the warning sign



Cacti caucus


Stay off rocks sign

Between a rock and a hot place


Dear rock art

Oh dear


Spiral rock art



English hubby and mah mah

Belated Mother's Day cuddles


Rock art on stone

The original tablet


Mexican lunch

Late lunch


Cheese crisp

Glad we're hungry


Baby boy o playing with activity center

Another rendition of old McDonald had a farm...enough already!


Friday, 10 April 2015

Daily Pics: Zoom Zoom Zoom

Six more days till our little baby turns one. As a special treat Aunty Ems let him open his very first present. He was stoked. His chubby little fingers mauled the cars. Great entertainment as we repacked Rover to head off for a weekend in Tucson. A welcome break from a few days of intense work. How is it that we still don't have enough time in a day?!

Present wrapped in dinosaur

Every little boy's dream


Present tag from Aunty Ems

Thank you Aunty Ems!


Baby boy o looking at car present

What is this?!


Baby boy o playing with toy car

Is that how it works?


Toy car

Zoom zoom zoom


Baby boy o looking through the window

Peekaboo from our little house in Scottsdale. Little eyes watching us pack


Driving in rover

Road trip!


Mountain view

Back in familiar territory


Sitting outside with Mah Mah

Taking Mah Mah to Catalina State Park


Me and baby boy o

Dancing cheek to cheek


Stripping baby outside

No room for modesty!


English hubby giving baby boy o bath and squirting boat

Bath time fun!


Thursday, 9 April 2015

Daily Pics: Long Time Between Lychee Martinis

First adult only date night in a very long time. Mah Mah was kind enough to look mind Baby Boy O whilst he was sleeping, allowing us to escape for a few hours into the hot bed of fast cars and fake blondes that is the Entertainment District of Scottsdale. Armed with Yelp we decided to brave a sushi fix in the middle of a desert. It all worked out well with a delicious dinner, minus the wasabi laced sushi. All until the clock struck quarter to eleven and we turned back into pumpkins summoned home by a phone call from Mah Mah to a crying baby.


Bum shuffle start

Started off here...


Bum shuffle 2

...and ended up here, with tears because he was moving the wrong way!


Baby boy o eating blueberries and watermelon

Breakfast buffet

Scottsdale apartments under construction

Cowboy apartments


Scottsdale road

Road to entertainment and fashion districts


English hubby and Baby boy o having fish lunch by pool

Poolside lunching


Night time silouhette

The night is young, with a rogue parking ticket to come


Lychee martini

Way too long between lychee Martinis





Sashimi more




And more fish


Salmon carpaccio with truffles

Carpaccio with truffles


Braised beef

Braised beef goodness


Chocolate lava cake

Desert courtesy of our sushi chef, making it up for the wasabi incident


Check at sushi roku

Omakase surprise


Tacky bars

Getting way too old for public selfies


Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Daily Pics: Happy Walker

Much happier today after a good sleep. Things just aren't as strange anymore, and the additional space of our little Air BnB house in Scottsdale isn't as scary anymore. Today we had wave after wave of boxes arrive. All our pent up purchasing from having no fixed address whilst on the road.


Happier baby boy o

Waking up on the happier side of the bed


Baby boy o with mah mah opening presents

More presents


Eating jook with mah mah

Jook makes everything better


Great little Scottsdale neighborhood


Baby walker

Look what mummy ordered online?!


Mum and baby boy o holding walker

Someone is super happy


Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Baby Boy Grumps

Someone had the grumps today. Now that Mah Mah is over, our plan was to hunker down do get some work done – taxes, CRT, calls, nanny search, and a whole load of leftovers that need attention – but Baby Boy O was not going to have a bar of that. New routine, new house, new grandma. Not a great formula for happy baby.

Baby boy o and mah mah reading storybook

Not so sure about morning story time


Breakfast in the saucer chair

Yummy breakfast


Baby boy o opening presents

Thanks Mah Mah for my presents!


Lunch by pool with Skype

Lunch by the pool with Yah Yah on Skype too


Baby boy o upset

Not happy Jan! (...only people who grew up in Australia in the 80s will understand)


Monday, 6 April 2015

Daily Pics: Biosphere 2

Visiting Biosphere 2 makes me realize that we know so very little about the world in which we live, yet our actions and decisions are based on imperfect snippets of data that we extrapolate and codify and then etch into stone. We think we know more than we really do. We think we can control and predict, yet all we seem to be doing is shift a delicate balance further out to the edges where implications and consequences that were once inelastic become elastic and magnified in its environmental impact. Biosphere 2 is a poor but necessary replication of the original biosphere 1, the Earth. Poor because we can never replicate the complex systems that nature has evolved, not even with half a billion dollars and counting. Necessary as it is the closest thing we have for research and testing, the collection of data which fuels the computer models that fan the flames of our understanding of the very fragile planet we live on.

It occurs to me that the biggest mistake we can make is to think we can definitively know something. When we fall into that trap we shut the door on inquiry, we blind ourselves to the possible yet less probable, we stop reconizing that error allows us to grow and learn, and we fool ourselves into a false sense of security.


Baby boy o with bed head

Serious bed head


English hubby exercising on picnic table

Picnic table cum bench press


Baby boy o playing in RV with toys

Play things


Biosphere 2

Biosphere 2


Glass wall of biosphere 2

An engineering marvel

English hubby and baby boy o on biosphere 2 tour

Youngest biospherean in the group

Airlock door

Pneumatically sealed


Biosphere ocean

Simulating the earths oceans


Rainforest room

Rainforest room


Plastic garbage in ocean

What are we doing to our world?

Fire extinguisher sign

Anyone want to reach for the fire extinguisher?


Desert room

Simulating a desert (located in a desert...the irony)


Rock to soil experiment

Rock to soil experiment, break it down


Girl getting a little handsy with baby boy O

Get your hands off my boy young lady!


Biosphere lung

Expandable lung capacity of the biosphere


Walking in a tunnel

Getting deep down into the technosphere


Biosphere lung

Metal and rubber lung, so the heat expanded air doesn't make the biosphere explode


Outside the biosphere

Imagine spending two years sealed away


Highway roadside fire

We need that fire extinguisher now


Baby boy o holding oranges

Helping with the grocery shopping


Mah mah arriving at Phoenix airport

Welcome Mah Mah!


Sunday, 5 April 2015

Daily Pics: Saguaros and Old Tucson

Saguaros are majestic. They stand tall and proud, growing inch by inch every year. The Native American people believed that they were once people, from the earth and of the earth. To be treated with utmost respect. The unbreakable circle of life, for one day we too will return to the earth to rest.


Baby boy o Easter egg

This is all I get for an Easter egg?


Road to saguaro national park

Off to Saguaro National Park



Zola the tarantula


English hubby walking along the road

Walking the road after Guardian Angel Mike warned us about rattlesnakes


Kings canyon trail

Setting off on the trail


Yellow desert wildflower

Burst of yellow


Desert prickly plant

Beautiful and dangerous


Red flowering cactus

Flowering cactus


English hubby on kings canyon trail

Starting to warm up


Kings canyon desert view

Not a bad dessert view


Pink desert flowers

Blush and bloom


Purple wild flowers

Wildflowers everywhere


Desert selfie

My little desert trekker


Saguaro with two blooms

Which one is female...


Saguaro with one bloom

...and which one is male?!


Yellow cactus flowers

Yellow and prickly


English hubby hiking ahead in the desert

Full steam ahead


English hubby hiking over a hill

Over the hill and far away


Thorny desert flower

Thorn in the side


Cactus shaped like a heart

Prickly love


Six saguaros

Saguaro family


English hubby hiking on kings canyon trail

Beautifully raw landscape


Prickly cactus

Up close and personal


Pineapple cactus

I spy a pineapple


Hairy cactus

Hairy old man cactus


English hubby hiking up to peak

Heading toward the peak against the two hour time limit


Weathered bones

Weathered tree bones



Amazing cactus, over 100 years old


Cactus valley

Into the valley


Old tucson

English hubby going under duress


Gun slinging

Gun slingin'


Lasso cowboy

Lasso whipping Loop Rawlins



Anyone for ribs?!


Old Tucson movie set

Cowboy movie set



Little madam


Goat and horse

Petting zoo


Costumed woman

Step back in time


English hubby in a horse thief coffin

Too tall for a horse thief


Cuddle with mummy

Afternoon cuddle time


Sun setting through the tree

Awesome campsite at Catalina State Park


Mountains at Catalina state park

Perfect view of the mountains


Baby boy O walking on picnic table

Picnic table catwalk


Sun setting out the mountains

Sun setting


Star app

Looking over the night sky


Saturday, 4 April 2015

Daily Pics: A Desert Surprise

I had never thought much about deserts until today. Who knew something so seemingly inhospitable and hostile could be a thing of raw beauty and abundance. Plants, animals, birds and all manner of creatures seem to grow and thrive. They adapt in glorious ways. Adaptation is a skill. Change can be a gift. We booked our flight back to New York City last week. May 11 to meet up with Squee and Fatty Patty. But in truth I have been apprehensive and torn about returning back to the fold. It wasn't until this evenings conversation with Big Red that I surprised even myself. I had a game plan, a spark, a thing of raw beauty and abundance. It had been there all along, and all I had to do was hear myself say it out loud.


Baby boy o with Apple

An apple a day


Road sign for the desert museum

Heading to the desert museum


Yellow desert trees

Burst of color


Red flowering cacti

Beauty in the raw


White car advertising desert museum

Desert ark


Lizard sitting on rock

Hidden in plain sight

Bird into of prickly cacti

Standing tall even on a prickly surface


Desert museum loop

Doing the half mile loop


Bee stack

Condos for bees, sort of like NYC, rooms with a view


Desert scape

Peaceful, calm and open


Baby boy o looking over at little girl

Flirting with a girl way too old for him



Bob the bobcat


Falcons on cacti

Falcon landing


Two Falcons flying

Falcon free form


Up close cacti

Up close and prickly


Red desert plants

Nature's garden


Cacti sprouting

Sprouting out


Cacti standing straight and tall

Straight and tall


Javelina resting in shade

Don't call me a pig, I'm a javelina


Baby boy o with big smile

Best smile in the world


Desert family selfie

Desert selfie


Prairie dog

Fascinated with the prairie dogs


I'm watching you!


Cactus spikes

Getting stuck into cactus


Baby boy o looking at fish

Baby boy o loves fish


Yellow fish

Finding Nemo


Rollercoaster road back

Rollercoaster road


Tra-tel RV park

Catching up on news with Big Red


English hubby with happy face grilling

Happy grilling


Blueberry pie and ice cream

American as blueberry pie


Friday, 3 April 2015

Hello Arizona

Farewell New Mexico, hello Arizona. Our westward journey continues with a surprise lunch time find in Benson – delicious Mexican enchiladas and frajitas. Baby Boy O enjoyed the steak putting his newly emergent teeth to work. We are now in Tucson working out our game plan for this weekend's activities. So much to do and see.


Dad and a baby boy o in bed playing

Playtime in bed


Dust storm sign

This could get interesting


Road sign for Tucson

Heading to Tucson for the weekend

Road sign for Arizona

Land of the stop and frisk


Mi casa restaurant

Mi casa sous casa

Baby boy o and dad at lunch

Hungry hippos


Sizzling frajitas

Sizzling frajitas


Saucy enchiladas

Saucy enchiladas


Baby boy o excited

Someone spies a present...


Daddy with a ball

...from mummy and daddy


Baby boy o so happy with his new ball

Best thing ever!



First glimpse of Tucson


Sunset from barbed wire fence

Sunset from the RV park, where geriatrics and their parents stay




Thursday, 2 April 2015

English Hubby To The Rescue

My blog got hacked again. I don't understand why the cyber universe has decided to pick on my lowly space for musings. I haven't offended any dictators, I don't ask for credit card details or transact, I have no state secrets worthy of prying open. Evil hackers please leave me alone. All I can say is thank goodness for English Hubby. My techno-geek-double-spacing-hero. This is the best post-date night present you could give me: ousting my digital trespassers, sorting out my maps and (hopefully, once they reply to my ticket request) restoring order to the blog pic universe.


Baby boy o playing in the morning

My little ray of sunshine


New Mexico border patrol check

Border patrol ID check

Baby boy o sleeping with finge in ear

Not listening to you!

English hubby cleaning the RV bathroom

English hubby on a cleaning mission

Baby boy o crying from teething pain

Teething is no fun

Baby boy o sleeping through pain

Poor little one, finally napping

RV park in lordsburg New Mexico

Dust bowl stopover

Laptop backing up blog

My hero

Yesterday's post:
Tomorrow's post:


Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Date Night Flirting

We had a fun date night plus one. Up the road from the RV park was a little restaurant and winery that specialized in thin crust Italian pizzas (yes, made with 00 flour!), home made gelato and extremely big glasses of sweet red wine. The star of the night was Baby Boy O. Over the course of dinner his many admirers would come over to say hello. Pity he can't write yet, else he'd be dishing out autographs. The only person not impressed was the date of the pretty lady Baby Boy O was flirting with.


Breakfast with uncle Vince

Breakfast and long debates with Uncle Vince


Baby boy o crying next to toy balls

I don't want to go to Walmart mummy!

Fillet of fish

One of my many vices


Full moon over mountains

Full moon over mountains


English hubby opening door to restaurant

Date night at Luna Rossa


English hubby with wine and fitbit

Date night wine and fitbit combo

Thin crust Hawaiian pizza

Thin crust yummy-ness

Mesilla basilica

Walk into the old town square in Mesilla


Park bench in Mesilla town square

Listening to music and smooching with my man


Yesterday's post:

Tomorrow's post:



Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Daily Pics: Breaking Bad Fever

Another sleepless night. Baby Boy O's fever seems to be easing off a little but there is still no reprieve for his sore gums. Given the situation English Hubby sacrificed his morning hike up to Guadalupe Peak and we pack up and drive toward civilization. When we break for lunch at Popeyes, Baby Boy O seems to be fighting fit, and demanding more chicken. By the time we park up in New Mexico, he's back to his old social self, absorbing every word of our conversation with Uncle Vince from the RV with the cool little Fiat 500 next door. A kindred traveller experiencing a change of pace, from Gulf Stream to A Class. Reflecting back on his life journey he says something that sticks like glue – there are no luggage racks in a hurst. Full stop.


Sunrise at Guadalupe

An early morning start. At least we get to see the sun rise


Packing the RV

Operation pack and go


Baby boy o smiling in carseat

Happy to be heading toward civilization


Guadalupe national park

Farewell, we will be back


Mum cuddling baby boy o with Guadalupe peak in the background

Precious cuddles


10000 miles on rover

Rover clocked it


My first drive in rover

First drive


Salt flats

Salt flats. The name says it all


Baby boy o unwell in car seat

Still not feeling great


Warning sign for barb wire

Post office stop. You'd think it would be pretty obvious


Baby boy o feeling better

Perking up in time for lunch


Popeyes lunch

So bad yet so good


Sign for El Paso

Heading to El Paso


Typical American highway

The quintessential American highway


Welcome to New Mexico sign

The land of enchantment



The inconvenient truth - where our beef comes from. Horrific CAFOs


Baby boy o in breaking dad onsie

Perfect for New Mexico. Thanks Mommy Wolfe


Baby boy o bathing outdoors

After talking to Uncle Vince, we fill up the outdoor jacuzzi


Monday, 30 March 2015

Boondock Fever

And the bad parent award goes to…us. Baby Boy O's fever is persistent and spiking. Perhaps a six mile hike in the middle of the day was not the smartest of all ideas. The poor thing keeps shoving his fingers into his mouth and crying out in pain. I wish it were an act to gain attention and extra cuddles but this time his need to be close is so real and so strong that he'd climb back up into my womb if he could. Of course whilst this is all happening we are boondocking – relying on our own water and battery electrics – in the middle of nowhere, with patchy cell phone reception, and over two hours away from the nearest children's hospital in El Paso. I'm not particularly religious, but I have whispered a few quiet requests to whomever is listening to keep my boy safe from harm.


English hubby doing dishes

Communal sink dish washing to try to save water


Baby boy sleeping fever

Restless night, sleeping his fever off

Guadalupe mountain in the morning

The mighty mountain, blocking any cell phone reception


Baby medication

Wet towels and Pedia Care therapy


Baby boy o and dad at breakfast

He still has an appetite which is a good sign


Rover parked at Guadalupe mountain

Some pretty funky parking to get all 32 feet in the spot


Baby boy o watching dad work

Watching daddy work


Happier baby boy o with mummy

Perking up a little


Guadalupe mountain evening view

Evening view


Baby boy o with mummy and Sophie the giraffe

Itchy teeth


Sunday, 29 March 2015

You Give Me Fever

We finally get the chance to go off the grid for a mountain adventure in Guadalupe Mountains National Park and Baby Boy O has a teething fever. Started off with his hands in his mouth and lots of drooling, then progressed in the morning to a fever of 38.5 degrees. After a shot of baby Pedia Care he seems back to his normal self so we headed off on the McKirritck Canyon Trail for a beautiful 6 mile canyon hike. We fretted over him all day, making sure he’s well hydrated with drink stops every 20 minutes, well shaded with an umbrella and well cooled with a wet towel on his neck. He’s a tough little trooper and loved the hike, as did daddy and mummy. Teething really sucks.


Baby boy o having early breakfast

Little poppet feeling very warm


Fresh red tomatoes

Lovely present from a fellow RVer

Long freight train

Waiting waiting waiting

Caution high winds sign

Blown all over the road


ÏEnglish hubby cleaning wind screen

Perfecting the drive by photo moment


Guadalupe mountains

Heading to the Guadalupe Mountains


Rover at entrance to McKittrick canyon

Off to hike McKittrick Canyon


Start of the canyon hike

Start of a six mike hike, a little nervous given the little one's fever


Blue skies in the canyon

Raw and beautiful


Family photo in McKittrick canyon

Canyon pose

Dries river beds

Over dried river beds

Mummy and baby boy o under an umbrella

Nice and cool under the shade


Native plant



Smooth bark trees

Smooth bark trees, right in the middle of the desert


English hubby crossing stream

Hop skip and jump over the little stream

Baby boy o touching tree

Baby Boy O communing with nature


Spindly green plant

Where the wild things grow

Beautiful mountains and blue sky with clouds

Hallowed skies


Feeding baby boy o at the cabin

Pit stop at the cabin

Baby boy o eating fruit

Fruit break, yummy!

Baby boy o feeling a little better sitting on table

Feeling like his old self


Silouhette  of tree and sun

Thank goodness for water breaks every 20 minutes


Sweet little baby boy o

Little smiley guy


English hubby walking the trail

Trudging forward with daddy


Baby boy o carried by dad at the grotto

We finally reach the grotto


Family selfie

Canyon family selfie


Dad changing baby boy o on picnic table

Picnic table bush change


Cool grotto

Natural air conditioning


Baby boy o asleep in the carrier with dad

Exhausted, barreling back along the path


Stones on a river bed

Stone Age


Rocky River bed

Rock on!


Canyon trees

Getting weary in the heat


Glad to have made it back safely. Headed to the campground, navigated tricky parking and fired up the generator for some welcome air conditioning


Baby boy o in orange too carried by dad

My little trooper


Beware of mountain lions sign

Explains the scat on the trail


Baby boy o and dad sitting in camping chair outside RV

Settling in for the night




Saturday, 28 March 2015

Not Much Happens Around Here

We are diving through flyover land. Not much happens around here. Highways, rest stops, bad food, and two bit towns that help join the dots from point A to point B. Van Horn's claim to fame is its middle ground between Big Bend National Park and Guadalupe Mountains National Park. Nothing more.


Baby boy o tiny on bed

Tiny tot

RV overtaking

We are actually overtaking someone!


English hubby cleaning windscreen

Pit stop and windscreen clean


Briefcases for sale at the flying j

The last remaining stash of briefcases in the western world, at the Flying J


Subway lunch

English hubby talked me into a tuna melt


Butterfly toy in RV

Have butterfly will travel

RV park in van horn

Smack bang in the middle of nowhere special


Yesterday's post:

Tomorrow's post:



Friday, 27 March 2015

Fat Dash

One supermarket shop, two fast food stops, four hours drive time, 240 more miles under our belt we made it from Medina to Fort Stockton. Due west along the gun barrel of Texas. We experimented with a new approach – driving two hours, breaking for an early dinner and bath time for Baby Boy O, and then back in the hot seat for another two hours. It sort of worked, with sporadic cries as the little one was woken from slumber by bumpy roads and the loud clattering of dishes and stuff in our RV. The experiment continues.


Baby boy o standing on a trike

Checking out the trike


Rover worked with Harley and stoller

Which ride would you prefer?


Medina hills

Drive through the hills


Long john silvers

Long John Silvers, surprisingly delicious fish and chips and good service too

Baby boy o in car shopping cart

Beep beep, move out the way!


Baby boy o in cart in supermarket

Stocking up at H.E.B.


Mummy and baby boy o under big sombrero

Hola sombrero


Baby boy o standing in RV

Half time break. Letting him stretch out


English hubby standing outside rover

English hubby piecing Rover back together


Mummy and baby boy o playing tickle games

Tickle games


Pizza Hut skinny pizza

Our second serving of fat fast food today. Pizza Hut's skinny pizza with an asterisk stating it is not a low calorie food!


Pizza Hut booth

Notice how wide the booths are?! Pizza Hut patron size


Roadside bathing

Post dinner roadside bath, all ready for bed and the final leg of the drive


Driving into the sunset

Driving into the sunset


Fire sunset

Sky's on fire

Driving to fort Stockton at night

Hello Fort Stockton


Yesterday's post:

Tomorrow's post:




Thursday, 19 March 2015

Daily Pics: Rhythm

It’s hard to believe that we’ve only been back in Rover for 10 days. England, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia and Hong Kong now seem so very long ago. It’s nice to have now found our own rhythm, a balance as best we can between work, play, family and ‘me’ time. Our clocks seem to have synced. It makes me happy to have a routine, a plan. Perhaps it is the illusion of order and control. I recognize it will change in the most unpredictable ways, but I’ll take it nonetheless.


Baby sleeping on four pillows

Four square


Stonewall Texas neighborhood

A walk around the neighborhood


Lambs in a field

Where’s Mary?


Cranky crying baby

Someone woke up very cranky


Baby standing on dad sitting in rocking chair

Handover time as per the new schedule


Baby trying to crawl

Trying to teach him how to crawl. He’s not happy at all!


Man sitting infront of laptop in RV

Still so much to do and so little time


Yesterday’s post:

Tomorrow’s post: