We finally get the chance to go off the grid for a mountain adventure in Guadalupe Mountains National Park and Baby Boy O has a teething fever. Started off with his hands in his mouth and lots of drooling, then progressed in the morning to a fever of 38.5 degrees. After a shot of baby Pedia Care he seems back to his normal self so we headed off on the McKirritck Canyon Trail for a beautiful 6 mile canyon hike. We fretted over him all day, making sure he’s well hydrated with drink stops every 20 minutes, well shaded with an umbrella and well cooled with a wet towel on his neck. He’s a tough little trooper and loved the hike, as did daddy and mummy. Teething really sucks.

Little poppet feeling very warm

Lovely present from a fellow RVer

Waiting waiting waiting

Blown all over the road

Perfecting the drive by photo moment

Heading to the Guadalupe Mountains

Off to hike McKittrick Canyon

Start of a six mike hike, a little nervous given the little one's fever

Raw and beautiful

Canyon pose

Over dried river beds

Nice and cool under the shade


Smooth bark trees, right in the middle of the desert

Hop skip and jump over the little stream

Baby Boy O communing with nature

Where the wild things grow

Hallowed skies

Pit stop at the cabin

Fruit break, yummy!

Feeling like his old self

Thank goodness for water breaks every 20 minutes

Little smiley guy

Trudging forward with daddy

We finally reach the grotto

Canyon family selfie

Picnic table bush change

Natural air conditioning

Exhausted, barreling back along the path

Stone Age

Rock on!

Getting weary in the heat

Glad to have made it back safely. Headed to the campground, navigated tricky parking and fired up the generator for some welcome air conditioning

My little trooper

Explains the scat on the trail

Settling in for the night