Seeing the magnificent sunset from the top of Cadillac Mountain has made me wonder how many of these majestic moments do we actually enjoy in our whole entire lifetime? Of course the sun rises and sets each day, but if you were to count up the number of sunrises, sunsets or even picnics that you savor, would they be more than the number of episodes in a season of bad TV?

Our spot at Bar Harbor Campground

Baby Boy O’s morning chat with grandparents on Skype

Doing some meditation looking out to sea

Lunch time family dip in the pool and picnic

…and of course a cuddle

Afternoon hike in Acadia at Bass Harbor

Another lighthouse

More rocks to climb

My favorite people

Then off to Cadillac Mountain to see the sunset

Half moon rising

Soaking in the sunset all around the mountain

Hard work keeping the cover on with strong winds blowing

A gazillion differs colors

Dropping below the horizon

Final burst


Local speciality – blueberry ale

BBQ delights. Polished off 14oz
Yesterday’s post: Thunder Hole, Otter Point and Jordan Pond in Acadia National Park
Tomorrow’s post: Farewell Acadia, Hello Walmart