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Daily Pics: Giggles Along Mid-Coast Maine | No Place Like Travel

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Aug 30

Daily Pics: Giggles Along Mid-Coast Maine

by in America, US Road Trip 2014

A day of exploring the tentacles of Mid-Coast Maine. Rugged, rocky and salty tough. Lobsters everywhere – as common as you like. Mixed up little things with its brain located in its throat, its nervous system in its abdomen, its teeth in its stomach and its kidneys in its head. They were once regarded as the poor man’s protein, fed to prisoners and used as pet food. How quickly things change from rags to riches.


Swing with a view over river and clouds

Another glorious morning


Man and baby on a swing

Swing time


Man with stroller in front of RV

A walk around Saltwater Farm Campground



Grass meets ocean

Driving along Route 32


Maine coastline with sea and rocky coves

Typical Maine coastline


Shaw restaurant sign

Lunch stop 


Me and baby sitting at table

Glorious sunny day


Baby sitting on lunch table held by dad

Happily waiting for lunch


Me and baby sitting at the table



Steamers on a plate

Nothing to write home about, best part of lunch was the company


Two lobstermen with lobster catch in boat

At least it was fresh off the boat


Baby sucking thumb

Baby Boy O seemed to think it was finger licking good


Baby with very dirty diaper

Car park change after a big poopsplosion


Pemaquid Point Lighthouse sign at entrance

Off to the light house


Pemaquid lighthouse grounds

It wouldn’t be Maine without a lighthouse…


Fog bell

…fog bell…


Granite rocks leading out to sea

…or a rocky coastline


Danger sign warning

Risky business


Looking out the window toward the sea

View from the lighthouse museum which houses a stuffed 28 pound lobster


Dad walking crying baby around a car park

We took it in turns to see the lighthouse. On return Baby Boy O was wailing. What did daddy do to you?!


Laughing baby

Which quickly turned into his first big laugh


Old fashioned ice cream stand

It was all rainbows and unicorns and ice cream after that


Yesterday’s post: Ice Bucket Horsing Around

Tomorrow’s post: Long Walks in Owl’s Head and Rockland




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