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Double the Fun | No Place Like Travel

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Jun 05

Double the Fun

by in Everyday Journeys

English Hubby and I have just come back from our a birthday party for our dear friend’s twin 3 year olds, and we are knackered!

On one hand it was great to be part of the raw excitement and circle of fun that always seems to surround three year olds; on the other hand, it is a little depressing to realize when you add up the ages of all the kids in the room, you could still out number them in terms of age (give or take a few).

The afternoon started well with crafts for kids, and the adults were well behaved too.

Two Pooh Bears sitting next to each other

Well behaved


Then the entertainment kicked off – a magic train conductor repertoire, with a puppet chimpanzee to boot.  The kids were split on this one.  Some really got into the hand wiggling magic thing, and the rest decided to burst into tears as the deranged looking chimp was a step too far for comfort.  The adults needed a little pick me up by this time.

Two Pooh Bears sitting next to each other with a beer

Party bears


As the afternoon continued, I’m starting to wonder how parents have the stamina for this.  Where’s the remote control mute button?

Two Pooh Bears, with bottle of beer toppled



So here are 8 things I have learned today:

  1. Thomas the Tank Engine or any type of train paraphernalia is like kiddie crack
  2. It is harder to make balloon animals than you think
  3. Cold sausages taste delicious
  4. It is useful to have a hand vacuum charged and ready for action
  5. Home made honeycomb is delicious and only needs three ingredients
  6. There is actually a children’s book called “Time to wee” (…sorry K+N, I peeked at your bathroom book shelf. I’m sure it’s wonderfully educational)
  7. Post it notes are handy even in a party situation
  8. Our friends are wonderful, loving parents*

* Technically we did not just learn this today, but it is worth calling out that every kid deserves parents like them

Thomas the Tank Engine

Most popular toy in town

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